Wednesday 18 January 2012

Business Trip to Orava Forest-The Smooth Ride

Hi Ivana,

Do You remember our trip to Orava?

An interesting start to our Business Storey. The sat nav chosen snow-covered roads over the hill to Orava Forest.
We had an opportunity to change our course at the last village before the mountain overpass and choose a safer rout through Ruzomberok and Dolny Kubin, which would be about 150 km extra. We would get to the meeting late, but safe and alive at least.
We decided however to take on the challenge and take the risk instead.

After the first two hundred meters, we knew there is no longer an easy way back, and I guess we also wanted to get some adrenaline in our blood and see if we are able to make it. I soon realized the consequences and foolishness of my immature and ignorant decision.
The road was slippery from snow beaten by heavy duty foresters vehicles, leaving deep trenches where our rented Opel Astra Estate with a front-wheel drive, with almost no traction was struggling every single meter.
We used the sat nav so we knew when to anticipate the next critical twist and curve... there were more than enough of them i tell you.
"... We just have to keep ahead! Carefully and consistently!"

Our wheels were skidding and I had to change the gears furiously quickly from first to second and back again over and over to eliminate skidding and to maintain the little traction that we had. My arms started to get very tired. We could barely see through our steamed up windows. We both knew that we mustn't slow down and most definitely mustn't stop. In the middle of these mountains there simply is not much help available. There was no mobile signal, we would've had to abandon the car, walk several hours towards night in the freezing winter to seek a help. That would also cost us lots money and we would've missed the meeting anyway.

Even tough we finally managed to get along that dangerous stretch up the hill, down the hill though was not much safer in the snow conditions, but we drove with great caution, the car itself wanted to go faster so I applied a low gear instead of the brakes as we would go into a skid. The car could slip down the very steep slope which resembled more of a cliff to me and there was no end to the down hill road.
When we got to tarmac road, despite the fact that there were many dangerous potholes everywhere and the road was running like veins on an old woman, we both knew that this is no longer the dangerous drive and this is where a smooth ride begins.

Lesson learned:

1.In life there are many roads to get toward the same goal, it is important you plan the trip for a smooth ride, detected at least three alternatives to evaluate all the pros and cons and never trust the so called "sat-nav" 100%.

2.I believe this adventure, we have experienced together, was meant to be and will help us to create a crucial understanding of a business as a vehicle.

My last four days at Safestore and then I STAY BEYOND, DRIVING WITH BOTH HAND ON THE WHEEL.

Thank you

Kind Regards
Mr.Bohdan Duha

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